Church Calendar
Have a look at what we are getting up to, and when!
Playwell Pre-School, is every weekday during term time, 8am-4pm.
Prayer Meeting
The last Wednesday of every month,
7:30pm - 8:30pm.
We gather to pray in the
All are welcome.
Tuesday Lunch Club
Every Tuesday, during term time, from 12:30pm.
Join us for a beautiful home cooked meal and pudding for £5 per person.
The first Sunday of every month, we hold communion, during the morning service. All who love the Lord, are welcome to join us.
Knit and Natter
Every Tuesday, during term time, between 9:00am - 11:45am. Bring your own knitting or join in with group knitting projects.
Men's Night
Get to know the men of the church, by joining our men only nights. All men, over 18, are welcome to attend.
Ladies Night
Get to know the ladies of our church, by joining our ladies only nights. All ladies over 16 are welcome to attend.
These are both Uniformed Christian Organisations who have been a part of our church for over 50 years.