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1st Eltham Park Girls' Brigade

We are a uniformed, Christian organisation for girls. Our Company at EPBC began in 1937 and has been working with girls from the Church and Local Community ever since. We are a part of the Meridian District.


At present we have over 40 girls on roll who are led by 10 officers and helpers.


Each week we meet to play games, learn new skills and learn more about Jesus.


Girls' Brigade meets on Thursday evenings in four age groups:


Our Captain, Angela Shelley


Ages 5-8 years - 6-7:15pm


Ages 8-11 years - 6-7:15pm


Ages 11-14 years - 7:30-9pm


Ages 14+ years - 7:30-9pm

We raise money for GB projects in India and the GB District supports Demelza House Hospice. We take part in District Swimming Galas and Sports Days and other activities including the Waltham Walk. At Christmas, we sing carols to the residents of Coniffe Court.

We aim to be a link between the church and the community and encourage girls to attend parade services, kingdom kids and youth events.


If you would like further information please contact the Captain or visit our website and Facebook page.

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Our Aim

To help girls become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and through self-control, reverence and a sense of responsibility to find true enrichment of life.

Our Motto

Seek, Serve and Follow Christ.

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Our Badge

In the centre is a cross, the symbol of Christ and His church. Below it, a lamp, that His glory may shine out upon the world. Above it a crown, that we may own Christ as our King. Behind the crown a torch, the flame of Christ's living spirit and our devotion to Him.

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