Giving financially or with your gifts from God.
If you are able to give to our church financially, please see how to do so, below.
Standing Order
You can give regularly by Standing Order. Most of our regular giving comes through monthly standing orders. This is a simple way for you to give regularly and helps us budget.
Account Name: Eltham Park Baptist Church
Sort Code: 30-90-76
Account Number: 00011198
Reference: Your Name
Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a Government scheme that means that if you are a UK taxpayer, Eltham Park Baptist Church can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give, at no extra cost to you.
Please collect a form from the office.
“Each one must give as they have decided in their heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
- 2 Corinthians 9:7
What does it mean to be a cheerful giver?
The word 'cheerful' translated in Greek is hilaros, meaning cheerful, joyous and readiness; prepared to act at a moments notice.
It can be difficult to have that kind of mindset in today’s world, but we do need to remember a few things before we say we can’t help.
If you would like to give in a different way, please speak to one of the Deacons to discover where your God given skills can be utilised.