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Don't miss our upcoming events:

Upcoming Events
Prayer Meeting

 Prayer Meeting 

24/11/24 | 6:30pm


We are having our monthly prayer meeting in the friendship centre or lounge. Please join us as we pray for our church, the new minister, and as the Holy Spirit leads us. 

6:30pm on Wednesdays and 7:30pm on Sundays.

Ladies Night

 Ladies Evening - Christmas 

30/11/24 | 6pm-9pm


Ladies, a time to join an evening of fun, food and chatting!

We are looking for ladies to share hobbies / skills with others.

Cost to cover food £2.50.



01/12/24 | 10:30am


Come and join us for communion during our morning service. Kingdom Kids are encouraged to join in if they feel comfortable to.


Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided after the service.



15/12/24 | 10:30am


Come and join us for Kingdom Kid's performance of the Nativity!


Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided after the service.


 Carols by Candlelight 

15/12/24 | 6:30pm


Come and join us for Carols by Candlelight in the evening. 


Mince Pies will be provided after the service - If you wish to donate any, please leave them in the main kitchen.


 Christingle Service 

22/12/24 | 10:30am


We will be making Christingles as our morning service.


Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided after the service.


 Christmas Day Service 

25/12/24 | 10:30am


Christ is risen! Halleluiah! 

Join us for a short Christmas Day Service, where you can wear your Christmas Jumper and the children can share some of their received gifts. 

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 Members Meeting - AGM 



Church Members, after the service, please get your refreshments and head back into the sanctuary for 12:00pm for the meeting.

Our Regular Events:

Knit & Natter

Hover over the images for more information!

Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting


The last Wednesday of every month,

7:30pm - 8:30pm.

We gather to pray in the


All are welcome.

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Tuesday Lunch Club


Every Tuesday, during term time, from 12:30pm.


Join us for a beautiful home cooked meal and pudding for £5 per person.




The first Sunday of every month, we hold communion, during the morning service. All who love the Lord, are welcome to join us.

Knit and Natter


Every Tuesday, during term time, between 9:00am - 11:45am. Bring your own knitting or join in with group knitting projects.

Men's Night

Men's Night


Get to know the men of the church, by joining our men only nights. All men, over 18, are welcome to attend.

Ladies Night

Ladies Night


Get to know the ladies of our church, by joining our ladies only nights. All ladies over 16 are welcome to attend.




Most weeks, we have a variety of activities and teachings, for our young people to enjoy.

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These are both Uniformed Christian Organisations who have been a part of our church for over 50 years.


Boys' Brigade

Girls' Brigade

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